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Tunisia is home to many Multinational Corporations and the list continues to grow

Tunisia is a founding member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and is publicly committed to a free trade regime and export-led growth. read more

Tunisia is a member of the Arab Maghreb Union (UMA - Union du Maghreb Arabe), a political-economic grouping of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, and Libya. read more

A US business delegation has just wrapped up a trip to Tunisia where the heads of seven major companies explored the potential for investments. read more

Tunisia is the first country on the southern shore of the Mediterranean which has annually graduate engineers and technicians per capita according to the survey 'National Industrial Strategy by 2016”, prepared by Ernst & Young in 2008. read more

Education is the number one priority of the government of Tunisia, with more than 20 percent of government’s budget allocated for education in 2005/06. As of 2006 the public education expenditure as a percentage of GDP stood at 7 percent.

Tunisia was one of the first countries in North Africa and Arab countries to pioneer in the field of distance education and e-learning through the launch of TVS in January 2002. It provides fee interactive courses, revision modules, assistance and ICT training. read more

Tunisia offers a variety of incentives to assist foreign investors
There are numerous incentives, in the form of tax exemption, investment bonuses, no-cost infrastructure, and assumption of employer’s share of social costs.

Full tax exemption on exports-derived profits for the first 10 years and taxation at a low rate of 10% after this period of ten years for the life of the company. Full exemption on reinvested profits and income.

Duty free profits for capital goods including merchandise transport vehicles, raw materials, semi-finished products and services needed by the business.
Possibility of selling on the local market: 30% of turnover for industrial goods and agricultural products, along with payment of applicable duty and levies. this rate is raised to 50% for the year 2011. read more

Superb Infrastructure
Since 1995 the Tunisian government has invested heavily in the country's infrastructure.

There are 20,000 kilometers (12,428 miles) of good-quality roads linking all parts of the country; 18,226 kilometers (11,326 miles) of these roads are paved.

There are 6 international airports in Tunisia, 8 commercial seaports and 22 smaller ports.

There are 29 radio stations and 19 television stations.

The government has made plans to modernize the railway system. read more

Tunisia ideally located to reach Africa and Europe
Tunisia is located at the junction of the eastern and western basins of the Mediterranean, just where the Straits of Sicily separate it by 140 kilometers from Europe.

This geographic position that made Tunisia a crossroads of civilizations throughout history, makes it today a platform for investment as well as for production and trade.

Tunis– Rome 1 hour
Tunis–Barcelona 1 hour and 50 minutes
Tunis– Madrid 2 hours and 15 minutes read more

Tunisia has some of the most adorable beaches
Tunisia is gifted with some of the most adorable beaches located in the northern, eastern and southern coasts. The beaches are the perfect holiday destination for families and friends, not only offering numerous water sports to enjoy but also many other exciting activities to explore.

Almost all the holiday destinations in Tunisia offer a comprehensive list of pristine beaches which are ready to spoil you on your visit. Some of the beaches in Tunisia have soft and gentle shores and some have rugged rocky caverns and some Tunisian coastlines even are hemmed with long palm trees.

The pristine and curving with golden sandy beaches make your beach holiday livelier. read more

Tourist destinations for 2008:Tunisia, third most beautiful place in the world

Tunisia has been ranked the third most beautiful place in the world to visit in 2008 by the US daily newspaper' the New York Times'. Out of a total of 53 countries, Tunisia is ranked just after Lisbon ( Portugal ) and Laos (southeast Asia). Just behind Tunisia are Mauritius , then Miami Beach and South Beach . Several factors militate in favor of this ranking: The wave of luxuriously equipped, very high class hotels that have opened recently, often in old homes, on the coast and along sandy beaches, have attracted a growing number of very well heeled visitors, according to the newspaper.

It should be kept in mind that the island of Jerba in southern Tunisia has also been named the best destination to visit in 2008 by the US travel guide 'Trip Advisor'. read more


Tunisia is an enchanting land in North Africa with a rich cultural history
Tunisia which lies in the Mediterranean coast has a rich history of many civilizations like Phoenicians, Roman, Arabs, French and their traces can be seen in various cities of Tunisia.

It is an enchanting land in North Africa with a rich cultural history. Nature has amazingly blessed Tunisia with sights and attractions which will leave you in complete awe. Visitors coming to this part of the globe will be introduced to a new world never heard and seen before. Tunisia Will Seize Ya

When you come to Tunisia , be prepared to explore its world hidden in its sights and attractions. Some of the attractions which are a must see. read more


Affordable clinics in Tunis and cheap medical tourism in Tunis Tunisia.
Without a doubt, Tunis in Tunisia has become the medical tourism capital of the modern world. Offering the latest technological advances, experienced and expert physicians and surgeons and the very best in patient care.

Medical Tourism in Tunis Tunisia is flourishing and has secured her place in the world as a premier medical travel destination.

Tunisia has been recognized by the WHO for its efforts towards improving the health of its citizens. Approximately half of the medicines needed by the people are now manufactured in the country Tunisia has one doctor for every 750 of its people. read more

Tunisia 2nd most peaceful African nation
According to the 2010 Global Peace Index (GPI) report released on Tuesday in London by the Institute of Economics and Peace, Tunisia is ranked as the second safest country in Africa.

Among Arab nations Tunisia comes 3 rd after Qatar (15) and Oman (23). Iraq ranks last (149).
Tunisia which is credited with a score of 1, 678 points, is ranked 37th in the world out of the 149 surveyed countries. read more

It gained 7 places compared with last year’s report when it was ranked 44th. Tunisia is well known for being peaceful and empty of social and national troubles. Tunisia have been internationnaly known of its friendly relationships to all foreign countries read more

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